5 Uncelebrated Luxury Green Tech Gadgets Breathing Sustainability into Luxury

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5 Uncelebrated Luxury Green Tech Gadgets Breathing Sustainability into Luxury

Ever thought that your favorite tech gadget could be self-sufficient while still being the epitome of luxury? Welcome to the era of Green Tech Luxury Gadgets, where innovation meets sustainability, and holding one in your hand feels less like a guilt trip and more like a green thumbs-up. Oops! Hope Mother Nature hasn't placed a headphone order, we are spilling some beams here.

1. Solarin – The Environment-Friendly Smartphone

Ever since Sirin Labs introduced Solarin, we've been rethinking what a smartphone can do. It's an eco-friendly option, powered by a top-notch chipset, complete with a best-in-class camera, and military-grade privacy. Built with recyclable materials, Solarin gives even the most extravagant phones a run for their money... and carbon footprints. And it won't cost the Earth- literally!

2. LG Signature OLED R – Rollable TV

Yes, you heard it right, a 'rollable' TV! The LG Signature OLED R features ultra-thin, highly flexible screen technology that saves on power consumption while delivering the ultimate home viewing experience. Talk about curbing energy needs in style! If this isn't a Walking stick for the next-generation couch potatoes, I don't know what is.

3. Water-Powered Shower Speaker by H2O

Who doesn't love singing in the shower? The eco-green heroes over at H2O have developed a shower speaker that uses water to power up. So you can go ahead and continue serenading the shampoo bottle, you're not wasting electricity! Aha, relishing 'Clean Energy' and we mean it both ways!

4. Crystal Clear Solar Panels from Sunpartner Technologies

Luxury homes love their glass structures. Sunpartner Technologies developed an aesthetically pleasing, barely visible, crystal clear solar panel that can turn your posh glass villa into an energy-producing unit. A tech marvel like this makes adopting sustainable energy as easy as watching through a glass window. No pun intended!

5. Nebia Spa Shower 2.0

The Nebia Spa Shower 2.0 uses 70% less water than traditional showers, and yet feels more luxurious. The mist of warm water droplets creates an immersive full-body experience, all the while saving water. Let's call it - the sprinkler system for the soul.


  • "Solarin - The Luxury Smartphone of the Future" [Online]. Available:
  • "LG SIGNATURE OLED Rollable TV R9" [Online] Available:
  • "Water-Powered Shower Speaker - Solent Showers" [Online]. Available:
  • "Sunpartner Technologies – Wysips Crystal" [Online]. Available:
  • "Nebia Spa Shower 2.0" [Online]. Available: