Decoding The Deep Blue: Understanding AI and IoT in Luxury Yacht Tech

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Decoding The Deep Blue: Understanding AI and IoT in Luxury Yacht Tech

Ever been out on the ocean, feeling the wind in your hair, the salty spray on your face, and thought, ‘Boy, this yacht could use an AI upgrade.’ Maybe not, but as luxury tech gadgets fanatics, we're always looking beyond the horizon for the next big thing.

The Era of AI and IoT Yacht Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), two technology frontrunners, are making waves in high-end nautical technology. Picture an onboard AI concierge that not only learns your favorite seabass recipe but also optimizes the yacht's energy consumption. Now, isn't that fascinating, or should I say, 'yacht' fascinating?

Intimate Internet of Thingies – Oh We Meant Things

Let's dive deeper into the IoT dimension. A yacht decked out with IoT devices can improve security, environmental influence, and yes, entertainment aboard. According to Gartner, there will be 25 billion IoT devices by 2021. So why not make your yacht a part of the IoT family? Having connectivity challenges out at sea? No worries - tech companies like Kymeta are offering solutions for seamless connectivity, allowing the IoT magic to continue unhindered.

AI, The Heart of Luxury Yacht Tech

AI, on another hand, takes yacht automation to a whole new level. With advanced pattern recognition, AI can learn from the environment and behavior patterns, hence providing personalized assistance. And with Elon Musk's Neuralink, we might just be a few years away from AI anticipating if you'd like some more caviar.

Yacht Tech Unfolding

A few luxury yacht manufacturers are already riding this wave. Take for instance Sunseeker, who are deploying the AI technology of Emrod to improve on-board energy management. Then, there's Princess Yachts that's integrating cutting-edge IoT devices for an enhanced sailing experience. But let's just hope these tech-enriched yachts don't start tweeting about being lonely during winter months when they're docked!

1) Gartner. Gartner Says 5.8 Billion Enterprise and Automotive IoT Endpoints Will Be in Use in 2020. August 29, 2019.
2) Kymeta. No new cables. No new holes. August, 2020.
3) Emrod. Sunseeker yachts deploys Emrod technology on board. July 2021.
4) Princess Yachts. Yachts of the future. February 2020.